Yes, like everyone, I too have a story.
Prior to studying Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture, I had finished my Post Graduate Studies in Telecommunications Engineering and was working in Software Development at Nortel Networks.
I took leave from work when my second child started having recurring attacks of asthma, and no amount of medication seemed to keep his asthma at bay. We started becoming regular features at the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario and the constant worry was extremely consuming.
At that time, a friend’s father taught me some acupressure techniques to help my son and when I saw my son respond to these techniques, I decided to delve into it further by registering in a Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Acupuncture Program.
With my background in Engineering, I found Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) to be of utmost interest since it was analytical and logical and the correlation of symptoms to diagnose health problems was fascinating. I truly enjoyed learning this medicine and have been working as a health care practitioner since 2008.
I am very passionate about my career as an Acupuncturist and TCM Practitioner and it gives me great happiness to help people feel better. I spend considerable time and effort researching, continuing education, and cross-referencing texts to ensure I have done my best to help my clients get well.
I have taken a series of advanced acupuncture courses taught by world renowned acupuncturist Dr Richard Tan. These acupuncture techniques are called Balanced Techniques and can provide immediate relief of presenting symptoms as the needles are inserted. The results are quite phenomenal, and yes, people do need a few treatments in quick succession for the results to be long lasting.
I have also studied Yamamoto New Scalp Acupuncture which involves the insertion of needles in the scalp for neurological disorders, and can have an immediate impact on pain and mobility.
As an Acupuncturist and TCM Practitioner, I have treated children as young as 2 years old and adults in their 90s. I will adjust the treatment position and techniques depending on the client’s condition and age to ensure the client’s experience is truly a therapeutic one. I will try my best to ensure that the client is completely comfortable during the session so they can truly relax. For instance, if a client needs a treatment for nasal congestion, but also has low back pain, I will address both issues during the session.
I remember my struggles when I was seeking a way to improve my son’s health. I tried the usual suggestions: no carpets, no pets, mattress protectors, humidifier, Vitamin C, nebulizers, Ventolin, Flovent, Singulair, Steroids and what not.
When I discovered Chinese Herbs and Acupressure, our lives changed for the better. We were able to lead a normal life and not be stressed by every common cold.
Acupuncture and Chinese Herbs are very powerful healing modalities. Many people think that Acupuncture is only used for Pain Relief. It can help with so much more. It can help with Internal Disease. I hope to Blog about stories, and conditions, and cases to bring awareness to this field – so we can all benefit and make educated choices!
I have given many seminars on the benefits of acupuncture for treating Allergies, Fertility, Menopause so people can make educated choices when seeking treatments. I regularly participate in outreaches at Seniors Centres, Health Fairs, Charity events, Schools, Sports events. I was also Faculty Member at International Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine from 2009-2012 and have taught courses in Acupuncture, Chinese Medicine Theory, Diagnosis, Internal and External Medicine, Nutrition and Needling Techniques.
Executive Director’s Award of Academic Excellence, International Academy of Traditional ChineseMedicine, 2009
Acupuncture Platinum Award Winner, (Ability Studio), Kanata Kourier Reader’s Choice Awards 2011
Nominated Best of Best, Acupuncturist, by National Fitness Day 2013
Nominated Health and Wellness Finalist, (Ability Studio), Kanata Chamber of Commerce 2015
Dr Tan Balance Methods – Acupuncture 1, 2, 3
Dr Tan Balance Methods – Global Balance
Dr Tan Balance Methods – Seasonal Balance
Dr Tan Balance Methods – Meridian Conversion
Dr Tan – Ba Zi Analysis – Understanding Chinese Medicine, Levels 1 and 2
Facial Rejuvenation and Cosmetic Acupuncture
Cranial Sacral Therapy – Levels 1 and 2
Somato Emotional Release – Levels 1 and 2
Yamamoto New Scalp Acupuncture
Shamballa Reiki Level 1
Fascial Stretch Therapy
I Ching Ba Gua – Five Element Acupuncture
I Ching Ba Gua – Seasonal Balance Acupuncture
Body Space Medicine
Pulse Diagnosis with Dr John Chen
Chinese Herbal Medicine case studies with W Zhao
Chinese Herbal Medicine for exterior diseases (onset of cough, cold, flu)